In this course you will receive instruction and guidance in making ceramic pieces. This course is suitable for all levels.
If you are a beginner, you will learn the basic techniques.
If you are already more experienced then you can use the facilities in the studio and get advice and guidance from the teacher.

Class day: Monday afternoon, weekly from 14.00-16.30 – This group is full
Start: September 9, 2024
Teacher: Sigrid Verdonschot
Price: € 220,00 (including use of glazes, excluding clay and firing)

Class day: Tuesday afternoon, weekly from 14.00-16.30 hrs – This group is full
Start: September 10, 2024
Teacher: Edith Tergau
Price: € 220,00 (including use of glazes, excluding clay and firing)

Class day: Tuesday evening, weekly from 19.30-22.00 hrs – This group is full
Start: September 10, 2024
Teacher: Lei Hannen
Price: € 220,00 (including use of glazes, excluding clay and firing)

Registration form
Lesson dates
General terms and conditions courses 2023-2024