Getting creative
A creative workshop for a fun day with beautiful results
Ceramics Centre Tiendschuur Tegelen is a museum and a workshop! In the workshop, groups can attend workshops, learn about this unique craft and make beautiful products. An original and unforgettable day for your group with a lasting souvenir. Be inspired by our possibilities!
Of course, you can also combine a workshop with a guided tour or a demonstration. For tips, check out Experience the clay.
For questions and bookings, we can be reached by telephone Tuesday to Friday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at +31 77 3260213 or email us at info@tiendschuur.net.

Painting on ceramics
After a short impression of the museum, you will paint ceramics in the studio. With an experienced teacher, you will learn to paint engobe like the old Tegel potters did with brush, scriber and ringeloor. Possibilities for painting include: mugs and plates. Coffee will be available beforehand or during a short break.
Cost from € 22.50 p.p. all in.
Minimum 8 persons, maximum 12 persons.
Larger groups can be rotated.
Duration 2.5 hours incl. coffee and museum visit.

Rather dive into the clay?
After a brief impression of the museum, you get to work in the studio. Under the guidance of an experienced teacher, you will dive into the clay with both hands. You will be introduced to clay modelling. Coffee will be served beforehand or during a short break, possibly with a side order of Limburg flan. After drying, the pieces are fired. They can be collected after 4-6 weeks.
Cost: € 17.50 p.p. all in.
Minimum 8 people, maximum 12 people. Larger groups can be rotated.
Duration 2.5 hours incl. coffee and museum visit.

Modelling everlasting still lifes
Nice in the kitchen, on the wall, on the table, the buffet or on the fridge. A still life of ceramic vegetables. Vegetables are extremely decorative. After a short inspiration session at the museum, in this workshop you will learn to shape, compose and paint vegetables into an everlasting still life. In addition, other objects can be made incorporating vegetable motifs such as magnets, menu holders and napkin rings. Coffee will be served beforehand or during a short break, possibly with flan. After drying, the created pieces are baked. They can be collected after 4-6 weeks.
Cost: € 35.00 p.p. all in.
Minimum 8 persons, maximum 12 persons. Larger groups can be rotated.
Duration 3 hours incl. coffee and museum visit.

Decorative animals and insect houses
Beautiful in the garden among greenery. Garden decorations made of processed clay balls in the shape of a bird, fish, insect hotel, earwig house or butterfly pot. After a short inspiration session at the museum, you will work soft clay balls with expert guidance. With small interventions, these will turn into fun decorative animals or insect houses, great for the garden! Coffee will be served beforehand or during a short break, possibly with flan. After drying, the workpieces are baked. They can be collected after 4-6 weeks.
Cost: € 35.00 p.p. all in.
Minimum 8 persons, maximum 12 persons. Larger groups can be rotated.
Duration 3 hours incl. coffee and museum visit.

Getting to work behind the potter's wheel
Put yourself in the shoes of the potter. During this workshop, under the guidance of an experienced ceramist, you will try your hand at making your own work on the potter's wheel. Pottery is an exciting challenge and creates respect for this beautiful craft. Beforehand or during a short break, coffee will be waiting for you, possibly with flan. After drying, the pieces are fired. They can be collected after 4 - 6 weeks.
Cost: € 35.00 p.p. all in.
Minimum 6 persons, maximum 9 persons.
Duration 3 hours incl. coffee and museum visit.