Presentation Carla Dijk

Exhibitors talk about their work, inspiration and working method Around each exhibition, the Keramiekcentrum Tiendschuur invites exhibitors to talk about their work. In this presentation, exhibitor […]

Conversion week

The space for temporary exhibitions is not accessible to visitors. The permanent collection can be visited. During the conversion week, the previous exhibition is dismantled and […]

Niek Hoogland

Figurehead for sludge decorated pottery of Tegelen A solo exhibition for figurehead and ambassador of sludge decorated pottery of Tegelen. Niek Hoogland is celebrating a double […]

Opening Exhibition Niek Hoogland

Jos Schatorje, former director of the Limburgs Museum will comment on Niek Hoogland's solo exhibition. You are welcome to attend this opening.

Guided tour of exhibition Niek Hoogland

Niek Hoogland, potter in Tegelen Niek makes slib decorated pottery, a method that flourished in Tegelen and the nearby Niederrhein region in the 17th century. A […]