Exhibition Piet Stockmans
60 years of porcelain design A solo exhibition dedicated to Piet Stockmans' 60-year jubilee with porcelain. Piet Stockmans' love for porcelain began in 1963. His professional […]
Museum and exhibition tour
"You see so much more!" On Friday afternoons, you can take advantage of a guided tour of the museum's masterpieces and the exhibition. read more
Demonstration 3D printer
Is the 3D printer the new potter’s wheel? The ceramist explains how he comes from a design on the computer screen to an object in clay. […]
Museum and exhibition tour
"You see so much more!" On Friday afternoons, you can take advantage of a guided tour of the museum's masterpieces and the exhibition. read more
Museum and exhibition tour
"You see so much more!" On Friday afternoons, you can take advantage of a guided tour of the museum's masterpieces and the exhibition. read more
Conversion week
The space for temporary exhibitions is not accessible to visitors. The permanent collection can be visited. During the conversion week, the previous exhibition is dismantled and […]
Exhibition Ceramic Signals
From funny word games to stark protests Signs, texts and drawings on ceramics. They can all be found on the work of these exhibitors. Some work […]
Opening Exhibition Ceramic Signals
Ceramic Signals Curator Sacha Odenhoven opens the exhibition Ceramic Signals. She presents the exhibitors and their work. Afterwards, you can view the exhibition.